Clinical Psychologist
Mon-Thur 9am-12pm, 2pm-4pm
8 Thelma Drive West Hobart
Mobile: 0406 633 991
Book an appointment
The booking form below shows available 60-min appointments (Mon-Thur 9am-12pm and 2-4pm)
Only the next 10 weeks are displayed, with additional weeks progressively made available for online booking.
Please limit advance bookings to three appointments.
Appointments are available In-Person in West Hobart if you are well, or via Telehealth on request (see Telehealth tab above).
Contact Michaela to be included on the waitlist if you wish to be informed when cancellations become available.
Cancellation fees apply for non-attendance or cancellations unless 48 hours notice is provided,
Please notify Michaela ASAP by text or email if unable to attend so others can use the appointment.
New Clients:​
Please contact Michaela to discuss new referrals BEFORE booking to ensure she is a good fit for your needs.
First bookings need to be made by phone in order to schedule the initial 90-min appointment as this form only allows 60-min bookings.
Please note Bulk Billing is no longer available (see Fee information).