Clinical Psychologist
Mon-Thur 9am-12pm, 2pm-4pm
8 Thelma Drive West Hobart
Mobile: 0406 633 991

Telehealth appointments can be arranged if you are unwell, prefer not to attend in person for other reasons. Michaela will email a link the day before the session to join her in a video call, no software is required, and the link can be accessed through most devices.
Dr Michaela Morgan is a Clinical Psychologist with more than 25 years of experience and she has been running an independent private practice for about fifteen years working with individuals, couples and families of all ages.
Prior to this she worked in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Disability Support, Alcohol and Drug, and Relationship Counselling. She has particular interests in attachment relationships and neurodiversity but has an eclectic approach to the broad range of issues that her clients bring through her door.
Michaela's rooms are conveniently located in West Hobart only 5 minutes from the CBD. She is registered to provide clinical psychology services under Medicare and, on application, offers a discounted rate to hose with a Pension or Health Care Card. Please note that bulkbilling is no longer available to new clients.
Referrals can be faxed to (03) 6285 8021, and appointments for new clients can be made on 0406 633 991 or for ongoing clients on the booking page Feel free to contact Michaela on the same number if you have any questions. Phone or text messages will usually be answered the same day.

Dr Michaela Morgan is a Clinical Psychologist and registered Medicare provider. In addition to regular workshop and conference attendance, she has the following formal qualifications:
· Graduate Certificate in Development Trauma (2017-2018) - Australian Childhood Foundation
· Graduate Diploma in Child Psychotherapy Studies (2004-2007) - Monash University, Department of Psychological Medicine
· PhD (Clinical Psychology) (1993-2001) - University of Tasmania, School of Psychology
· Graduate Diploma in Couple Therapy (1998-1999) - Australian Institute for Family Studies
· B.Sc. (Honours) in Psychology (1992) - Monash University, Faculty of Science
· B.Sc. (1989-1991) - Monash University, Faculty of Science
Professional Affiliations
· Medicare Provider Number: 2920192W
· Australian Psychological Society College of Clinical Psychologists since 2006
· Full membership of the Australian Psychological Society since 1997
· Registered with the Psychology Board of Australia (Reg. No. PSY0001485545)
· Registered as a Psychologist in Tasmania since 1997 (Reg. No. 450)

Clinical Psychologists
Clinical Psychologists are psychologists with a minimum of six years full-time university training. In order to become a member of the APS College of Clinical Psychologists two years of further supervision is required in the clinical field. In addition, the APS requires all college members to undertake regular professional development through attendance at conferences and workshops as well practicing clinical reflection through peer consultation.


Michaela is located on the south side of West Hobart just a short distance from the CBD. Thelma Drive is a short series of left turns from Molle Street (left at the lights into Goulburn Street, almost immediately left again into Forest Road, then left into Thelma Drive at the top of Forest Road, just short of the Knocklofty Reserve carpark).
Number 8 is also on the left, then walk down the short driveway behind the ‘8’ letterbox and turn left at the garage door towards the courtyard at the front of the building. The office door is on the left next to the brass plate with Michaela’s name on it. Make yourself comfortable in the waiting room (tea/coffee, TV, toys and toilet facilities available) until Michaela calls you in for your session.
Address: 8 Thelma Drive, West Hobart 7000
Office hours: Monday–Thursday 9am-12pm, 2-4pm
Email: mmpsychology@netspace.net.au
Phone: (03) 6231 1038
Mobile: 0406 633 991
Fax: (03) 6285 8021